ParentChild+ Case Study
27 million Americans can’t read a bedtime story to their children. Children from low-income families hear 30 million fewer words by age 3 than their affluent peers. The sad truth is that by the time they’re two, many children are already falling behind and they struggle to catch up.
The Parent Child Home Program exists to erase that educational gap.
Over the past 50 years, they’ve taken a revolutionary approach: reaching children and their parents at home, before they even enter school. Neighborhood residents are trained to visit a child’s home bearing books and educational toys. They show parents how to take an active part in their child’s education.
The children they help enter school performing 10 months above their chronological age, score 2 ½ times higher on social-emotional skills and have a 30% higher high school graduation rate than their peers
They’ve proven that early, in-home support, prepares children and their families for success in school, and ultimately, in life.
Potential donors and supporters confused them with Pre-K programs like Head-Start, and assumed there is ample government support for those programs. Their name was a mouthful and people resorted to calling them PCHP. This great program was getting lost in a sea of acronyms.
New logo
We gave them a simple, powerful new name: ParentChild+. We gave them an impactful new logo and look. Their new logo now has the words “parent” and “child” bonded together, as they should be. The “+” in the logo symbolizes the staff, teachers and donors who are adding so much to these children’s lives.
More importantly, what discovered is that they aren’t merely an early childhood education program—as they had been describing themselves, but were in fact agents of social change, battling for social inequity. They aren’t just providing early literacy, they provide early opportunity and possibility. They are early-life coaches and early-parenting coaches, and maybe most important, they are on the frontlines in the battle for a more equitable America.
We gave them a new website and a powerful narrative with this new positioning in it to explain what happens when you nurture children right from the start.
New tagline
Click to enlarge work

Click to enlarge work
“We knew the work we were doing was important but were struggling to find a clear way of communicating the depth and power of our program. What Siegelvision did for our brand amplified our voice and enabled us to communicate the urgency of our work. Our story now resonates with new funders, in many more communities, and for that, we can’t thank them enough.”
Our work energized their staff, their board and their funders.
Board members said they now had a powerful new way to explain to friends and potential donors why they are so committed to this organization.
Siegelvision is proud to have helped this wonderful organization that’s helping so many children succeed.