easterseals Case Study
easterseals (founded in 1919 as the National Society for Crippled Children) is an American 501(c)3 nonprofit providing disability services to individuals and families throughout the lifespan – from inclusive child care to respite care – in order to help people "reach for their full potential.
Easter Seals—almost 100 years old and one of the nation’s 10 largest charities—had been a neglected brand. It had an odd, confusing, yet memorable name. People knew them, but didn’t know what it was they did.
First we took the Easter Seals name and reconfigured it into a new non-religious sounding concept: easterseals. Then, in order to bring clarity and relevance to the brand, we recommended that they own the word “disability.” With this singular focus and a new perspective, vocabulary and voice, the organization’s heritage of serving people with disabilities was reinvigorated. And it’s new tagline “Taking on disability together” invited America to join in the fight with us.
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Affiliates are introducing the brand in local markets. Brand training sessions are underway. Tools and resources – including a brand microsite – have been developed for the affiliate network. Validation research confirms there has been a significant impact on donor the community. The organization has redefined itself for the 21st Century.
“The new look and feel of our wonderful brand is exciting. My text messages were blowing up with everyone’s excitement.”